Saturday, September 7, 2013

Nixon’s Celebrating International Literacy Day

Has anyone ever observed why literacy is important to a great extent? Even doing of small stuff is incomplete without education. For instance doing ‘writing’, it could be writing a shopping list, or passing throughout school and into employment tenure. Give it a single thought where would we be if we couldn’t do such small tasks? Certainly, Literacy is a door which opens up a window of chances to every one of us and it’s true that Literacy is more than the ability to read and write only.

Nobody can deny the importance of Education; it is a primary key that allows people to move up in the world. Not only; it helps in seeking better career opportunities and to get success in life, besides it is a fact that no nation can survive without giving quality education to its inhabitants as it is the root of prosperity and development. The more educated the nation is; the more prestige and supremacy that nation holds, ultimately.
September 8 has been known as the official international literacy Day and it is celebrated around the world so that awareness can be elevated up about this important topic.  Basically the United Nations (UN) has set the date for this day to observe the benefits of literacy and sort out the ways through which illiteracy can be diminished. It’s a perfect day to share how reading opened your eyes to world full of meaning and expression.

Nixon’s University’s always been a part in celebrating the International literacy Day by awarding scholarships granting it to intellectual eligible apprentice. The focus of this educational gift of hope is just on augmentation in literacy rate. So that educated population plays an important role in making a nation more successful and well rounded

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